welcome to community vc

Empowering Founders with Community Support


Designed to put the power in the founder’s hands

📺 The old way

🧶 The new way


A platform for founders to attract, nurture and engage supporters

Build out in the open, in a safe-space in-front of the people you most desire to support your journey. Show them your progress against key milestones and leverage them to help you get there.

the Platform

Showcase your Brand

Showcase why you are unique, where you are at, and where you want to get to. Strike strategic alignment.

Recruit Support

Get support and draw on the knowledge of a vetted audience of advisors, investors and potential customers.

Connect with Investors

Connect, nurture and build meaningful relationships with the most strategically aligned investors.

Gain Feedback

Enhance your ability to communicate. Founders receive feedback and input from potential supporters

Case study

How Vitadrop secured 197 supporters 
in 16 weeks

Charlie & Dan embraced the raising support process and with Community VC’s support were able to attract multiple high profile advisors and a large number of strategically aligned supporters. 

Folks of all backgrounds are lovin’ it!



All teams using the platform receive the Raising Support Playbook


Getting set up, preparing key docs and forming a supporter strategy


Grow your presence and attract supporters on Community VC and beyond


Keep potential supporters warm working towards a potential engagement


Guidance on best practice with engaging advisors and investors

Ready to
get involved?



📣 Calling all supporters: join our fortnightly pitch event to hear from emerging founders Register now